Pr0ph3cy By Numb3rs – Three: First Examined Hadiths

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[ Part One: Important Warning ] [ Part Two: Asking The First Questions ] [ Part Three: First Examined Hadiths ] [ Part Four: The Question of Generations, Another Hint ]

Addendum – Can Jesus, the Mahdi and the dajjal surpass or even match The Avengers?
Manipulation of Prophecy The Future and YOU
[Part 1: Past Ummahs and Our Delusions – Part 2:Contrasting Present and Past – Part 3:The Trap and Background Music – Part 4:Miracles in the Seemingly un-Miraculous – Part 5:Conclusion, Crux and Solution]

Peace be upon those who seek it,
Thank you for joining us again.
Before we continue, examine these two narrations. Many variants of this Hadith exist, and by Allah’s leave we will systematically explore them. Only once you have seen them all will you find yourself starting to understand the tremendous importance of this affair. Some variants of this Hadith have been judged harshly by some later Scholars, but to make sense of the misunderstandings through the ages the full context must be considered. Therefore more translations, chains of narration, and opinions of the scholars will be given as we explore other variants.

طبقات أمتي خمس طبقات كل طبقة منها أربعون سنة فطبقتي وطبقة أصحابي أهل العلم والإيمان والذين يلونهم إلى الثمانين أهل البر والتقوى والذين يلونهم إلى العشرين ومائة أهل التراحم والتواصل والذين يلونهم إلى الستين ومائة أهل التقاطع والتدابر والذين يلونهم إلى المائتين أهل الهرج والحروب

“The STAGES of my Ummah are five STAGES. Each STAGE is of Forty Years. My STAGE and the STAGE of my companions, it is of People of Knowledge and Faith; and those who follow them, to the Eightieth, are people of Righteousness and God Consciousness. And of those who follow them, to the One Hundred and Twentieths, are people of Mercy and Joining together. And those who follow them, to One Hundred and Sixty, are people of cutting off and divisions. And those who follow them, to Two Hundred, are people of Slaughter and Wars.”
The source of this narration is the book in the late 900’s of Ibn ‘Araq al-Kanani – ابن عراق الكناني – narrated by Anas ibn Malik, radillahu ‘anhu

Now consider this transmission, it is listed in the book of Imam Suyuti – جلال الدين السيوطي – covering Mawdu Hadiths. It was recorded in the early 900’s. Do not let this distract you yet. We expose each version because irrespective of individual texts’ faults, they add up like puzzle pieces. Remain with us, give us the benefit of the doubt, because this material could very well concern your life and, more importantly, your eternity:

أمتي على خمس طبقات وأنا ومن معي إلى أربعين سنة أهل نبوة وهدى والطبقة الثانية إلى ثمانين سنة أهل بر وتقوى والطبقة الثالثة إلى عشرين ومائة أهل تواصل وتراحم والطبقة الرابعة إلى الستين ومائة أهل تقاطع وتدابر والطبقة الخامسة إلى مائتي سنة أهل هرج فالهرب

“My Ummah is upon five STAGES: I and those with me to Forty Years are people of Prophecy and Guidance. And the Second STAGE to Eighty years are people of Righteousness and God Consciousness, and the Third STAGE to One Hundred and Twenty are people of joining and mercy, and the Fourth STAGE to One Hundred and Sixty are people of cutting off and dissimilarity in divisions, and the Fifth STAGE unto Two Hundred years are people of slaughter and wars”

Consider these narrations’ wording. Their Takhriij and other Scholarly opinions will soon be seen, with more variants all shedding greater light on these matters.

For now, read them, weigh them, and do not dismiss them, then return to us soon. It is confusing, we know, but Inshallah matters will be made more clear, and Allah and his Messenger know best.

[ Part One: Important Warning ] [ Part Two: Asking The First Questions ] [ Part Three: First Examined Hadiths ] [ Part Four: The Question of Generations, Another Hint ]